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Instagram vs Twitter

Soo today we're gonna talk about social media in our daily life basis. Without social medias,life nowadays can be very dull and boring without any social communication through social applications. In 2018,we have many social medias such as Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and so on.Those three are the most common social medias that are use often nowadays. Based on the observations that have been made, Twitter and Instagram are the most common social medias used by teenagers. Therefore today, we would like to talk about the differences between Instagram and Twitter.

As we know twitter has a capabilities to share something or anything,but to do that twitter has its own limit to caption which is only up to 140 words.The quoted tweet and name mention will not count toward the character limit. Most people will see this as a problem but it actually make twitter look simple and modest. This is because there are billion of people who would use twitter and most of them are only likes to look at picture and a short video.It will make people easy to read a short message rather than a long message than took a few paragraph.

In the mean time,Instagram are on the oppose side because they have a longer character limit than twitter.Some people have try to test the caption limit on the Instagram and the result is approximate 2200 character.The uses of hashtags also have limit,although it a bit high but for a single post you can have 30 hashtags.

Other than that,Twitter offers many post styles and supports media uploads,but its basic format is short text posts under 140 characters. Meanwhile for Instagram is instead completely focused more on the media aspects of post.This format has made Twitter a primary source for news,both from mass media and individuals.Various types of posting styles in Twitter included text only,videos,polls,pictures and GIFs.

Instagram provided this one platform where you can post current incidents that are happening in your everyday life much like Snapchat's feature. You can use filter to make your face looks different and makes your videos and photos more interesting. Unlike Twitter, it doesnt provide this particular feature and in my opinion is one of the best move Twitter had choose. In the stories posted by everyone, you can see what they are up to at the moment and I think that is very not secure for your everyday's activities to be seen by others.

In a nutshell, we all us a group agree that Twitter is more beneficial compared to Instagram. Most important news and viral things most came from Twitter first before it is widespread to other social medias such as Facebook and Instagram. Because Twitter is most handy you can just tweet your thoughts and inner feelings away. Instagram is a good place for you to share your memories with your pals but Twitter is the place where you can vent about your thoughts and inner feelings.